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High Holy Day Tickets 2023

High Holy Day Services

Ticket Information and Order Form
Please RSVP by September 1

We do not bill for High Holy Day Tickets. Fees must be paid for in advance.

All previous balances and half the current year's dues must be paid to receive or purchase tickets or to receive High Holy Day Honors. These balances and fees must be paid by September 1. Login to your Shulcloud account to see your balances and make a payment. Call us in the office if you need help logging in. Membership dues and fee payments can also be made by check in the office.

Each member family will receive tickets for two adults and a ticket for each of their children under the age of 25 who is living at home or a full time college student. Tickets are non-transferable.

Please Choose ALL Dates that you plan to attend Services

Additional Tickets for Extended Family Members

Extra tickets for all extended family members (parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandchildren and children 25 years of age and over may be purchased at a cost of:

Adults (13 and up): $100
Children (3 -12): $54
Children (2 and under): FREE
   Adult Extended Family - $100/each
   Children (Ages 3-12) Extended Family -$54
   Children (2 and under) Extended Family - Free

Non Member Tickets

   Non Member Adult (13 and up) - $540/each
   Non Member Children (Ages 3-12) Extended Family -$360
   Non Member Children (2 and under) Extended Family - Free

Reserved Parking Passes & Reserved Seating

   VIP Reserved Parking Passes - $360/each
   Reserved Seating - $360/each

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785